Monday, August 16, 2010

Friday, August 13, 2010

Now I've got dreams of my own.

Sometimes the heart sees what is invisible to the eye .

I now officially meng-label-kan myself as jiwang karat. Only to notice that my entry lately ni is purely dedicated to Drummer boi. The reason is because my play list in my lappy is all lovy dovy songs. Plus, Drummer boi makes me happy. And I on the contrary, write when Im happy not sad.

Today is our 'ulang-bulan' bak kata Drummer boi. How time flies when you're having fun. Pejam celik dah pon setengah tahun, soon it will be a year, and for all I know its already going to the second year. Can't wait to finish my studies and proceed to concentrating on my life + future. I'm super glad that I've found my future. I know no one is perfect but his imperfections make him puuurrrfect to me.

What's weird is, I'm super confident with this one. I don't doubt him. ( main main doubt ade laa) I know that he will never hurt me and do shitty things behind me. I just know it. Weird kan. How can one trust another only after a few months together. People tell me that never give 100% in a relationship. I'm putting 200% in this one!

It's not his words that make me trust him, fall deeper that I have ever been. It's HIM. The way he cares, the way he holds me, cair beb! Hahahaha. Minah remp disitu seketika!

Okey, enough about my love life. How 'bout yours? Is yours going as smooth as you expects it to be? Are you happy with whatever you're having + feeling? If you are, we're in the same boat!

"Love is that condition in which the happiness of another person is essential to your own."

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Maybe that's what happens when a tornado meets a volcano.

''When I see your face
There's not a thing that I would change
Cause you're amazing
Just the way you are
And when you smile,
The whole world stops and stares for awhile
Cause you're amazing
Just the way you are''
- Bruno Mars

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Don't do it if you can't keep it up.


Seeing this photo makes me think of the future, OUR future. Comel gak you when you were little. Lol!

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Change is never easy. You fight to hold on.

Mostly people change for love because u can't say u truly love somebody when u're not willing to do everything u can to keep them in ur life.


Sometimes, the things that we've decided to avoid and get rid off are those things that are happening again and again.


Tuesday, August 3, 2010

August 8th.