Wednesday, December 22, 2010

See no touch.

Recap of the 5 weeks in AS.

* I am just soooo in love with myself*

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

I can see you with me when I'm older.


First and foremost, I just wanna clarify something, I am seriously in love *don't hate* !

On a lighter note, after 5 weeks in AS I still feel the same. I miss home, I miss Drummer boi, I miss the shopping malls. Yup. The shopping malls, and the freshly baked Famous Amos. Although we have tons of fun here, I can't help to wonder what everybody is doing at home.

To be honest, although I whine about being here, 5 weeks flu so quickly. Dalam sedar tak sedar, it has already been 5 weeks. Which means I have like 3 more weeks je here. Yeay? :) Patients here has been great. The nurses are kind and very respectful. Today, while is was doing passive movement to one of my patient, a Chinese uncle who goes by the name Uncle O, he suddenly look at me and said " hang ni baguih no, gheja kat spital. Hang baaaaaik hati no." I nearly cried.

I do what I do because I choose to do it. I just feel that it is my responsibility to help others in need. Tapi, I garang okey. Ada je patient yang I selamba yaya je sound. Bukan apa, I know la your in pain and all but if you bloody do it, nanti its double the job for me and you! So buat je la masa orang suruh! Like one Makcik ni, she had a high AKA (above knee amputation). I know la you seriau nak gerak and do exercise but you just have to, Kalau tak satu body weak and susah for you to get back to your active daily living. But NOOOOOO, you Makcik just have to membebel at my ears and say things as though I have no hati and perasaan. Pffft to you!


By the way, I helped an MO while he was doing a debritement (Surgical excision of dead, devitalized, or contaminated tissue and removal of foreign matter from a wound). Yup! I helped. Haruslaah di tulis di dalam buku log ye. :)

Okey, so far itu sahaja lah highlights bagi minggu ini. Mungkin minggu lain akan lebih bermakna. *cross fingers* Hopes Drummer boi would come and visit :))

Much Love!

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Gelema banyak susah nak bernyawa.

Relationships last long because two brave people made a choice: "To keep it, to fight for it and to work for it!"

Okey, it has been tooooo long since my last entry. Anyway, AS has starting to treat me good. Though the food is still unsatisfying but generally, the adaptation period is finally over. Now, I can sleep whenever I shut my eyes, able to talk to Drummer Boi without tears rolling down my cheeks and chillex a 'lil :) The hospital is great. Though ada laa beberapa Therapist that kinda on poyo in their own way. Standart laa semua itu! Sudah menjadi adat students untuk bertemu dengan therapist therapist yang baru kerja 2 tahun tetapi berlagak mengalahkan U41!

We are all so tak senonoh here. We made one of the therapist here believed that she printed our jadual wrongly but reality is that we all tak mau ikut this one particular poyo therapist. Sian! :) And the best part is that we did it TWICE! She totally bought it and when along with whatever we said. Mdm, incase you're like reading this, I AM SORRY ;)

On a lighter note, I always find myself giggling underneath my mask masa kat wad and its always because of the language/slang. The other day my patient was complaining of "gelema banyak susah pakcik nak bernyawa" and I was like WTH is "gelema" and "bernyawa"? if susah nak bernyawa, mati la pakcik. It turns out that what pakcik was saying is that he has banyak phlegm, susah nak bernafas :) Apa-apa pon, hangpa mesti nak kena tau yang kami dah mula selesa dekat sini.

Cinta hati kata dia nak mai jenguk kami, but God knows bila. The other day he was in Penang but too busy for me. Yesterday pi Ipoh pulak. Next week he's leaving me for an Indon gig. Busy bee.