Tuesday, October 26, 2010

So now it's so clear, I need you here always.

I think I must stop bitching on somebody. Or better, I should just stop bitching, full stop. Maybe I was jealous back then when she randomly do stuff to him but honestly, not anymore. Maybe she's just old news to me. Maybe. Besides, we're tight now. Chirpier than ever :)

Anyway, here's are some updates in my week and what's going to happen in the near future. As you guys know, it's exam week and no matter how much I hate it, I must face it. The first paper down, only 5 more to go. ONLY 5 la sangat! Kepala seriously macam dah nak pecah! Pathophysiology isn't easy I tell you. And what's worse is that this semester my lecturer decided to change her style of questions and it sucked. I hope I pass. Distinction? Don't think so. Praying hard that I'll pass.

My exam is going to end on the 10th and on the 13th I'm going to Alor Star for my attachment. Pfft. Now I officially have no time for myself. It has been ages since my last Pedi&Meni. I just did my brows yesterday and all these I used to do like every fortnight. I.Need.Time.For.Myself.Thank.You.

I don't know how my brows are going to survive when I am in Alor Star. Ada threading tempat ke there?? I sure hope so. Alor Star... Ohhh Alor Star. Crossing all fingers and toes that I would actually survive there. It's actually not a big of a deal that I'm going away but this time I feel a little different. I grew up in a boarding school. Although some people don't recognise KYS (Kolej Yayasan Saad, Malacca) as a bording school but I sure think it is. Any school that has a dormitory is considered a boarding school, plus I have to eat,sleep,pray,bath, and poop there. Life was great there. On certain days I do missed it sooooo much. I love the fact that my school allows us all to be the person we want to be. And the teachers are great. If it weren't all good, I comfirm tak duduk there like for the whole 5 years of my secondary education!

Anyway, I know that I will eventually survive in Alor Star and I really hope the other half of me would too! The other day while we were discussing about me going away, he said that he might not be here while I am away. He's going out of the country for his work stuff. Boooo. Like nak ikuuuut him! I am currently have no mood for books. The drive has left me after I dengan excellent-nye menggoreng my paper Patho yesterday. *depress*

My next paper is on the 28th, and it's another killer paper. Dah la the books are like menggunung tebal each. I repeat EACH. Nasib I have only two books. Still. Tebal. Means I have like forever to cover. Feel like going to the exam hall tomorrow and over night there. (Laugh!That's me making a lame, pathetic joke.) I am not supposed to be online during my exam week, but when I fail to concentrate, there's nothing better beside Drummer Boi and my amusingly weird little sister that could cheer me up but going online. I have to, not that I really really and couldn't live without it.

Okey, maybe this is enough for today. Have to go back to the 'fun' world of Clinical Condition books. I am so going to miss going online. *hugs&kisses*

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

'Cause when a heart breaks, no, it wont break even.

"They say bad things happen for a reason
But no wise words gonna stop the bleeding..."

Put Your Finger In His Face And Tell Him.


Monday, October 11, 2010

I wait on you forever, any day, hand and foot.

*Okey, the truth is I can't really sleep nowadays. I've tried so many things to get me to sleep but none has worked. Note: I even tried studying, which what usually makes me sleep instantly but it didn't work either. I don't know what has gotten into me.

Anywhoooo, life is treating me quite bad lately. All the problems in the world hit me like at the same time. Things that I never thought would happen, problems I never imagine would arise, atleast not to me. *sigh. The only thing that has been staying constant in my life without drama is Drummer Boi, thanked God for that. Atleast I have something I can rely on.

Random topic number 1:

Justin Bieber is HOT!! U smile,I smile baby!! :) I know its kinda childish to be in love with the new 'Ken' but now is the era of cougar-ship, rite? So there's no harm to it. His hair especially, silky smooth I tell you. And those eyes. *Drool. The moment when the doctor confirms that Im preggers with a boy, Justin ohhh Bieber, you know I'll be your #1 fan!! Whenever it will be laa kan.

Random topic number 2:

Banana leaf makes you sleepy and not forgetting, FAT. We had banana leaf for tea today. Yup. TEA. We olls not morning people oh-key (atleast not me). The moment I got home, all I can think and do is sleep. OMG! I think I have to go see a doctor and check my cholesterol level. Owh, did I mention about the after-smell of curry on the hands. Like hell ya! Up until now my hand is smelling of curry still (I swear by it because I am smelling my hand as I type!) and I ate like 10 hours ago!

Random topic number 3:

I think McD is the place for me. Humm, mcm nak McD pulak pagi pagi ni. Do they deliver at 4am?


Saturday, October 9, 2010

Sepohon kayu daun rimpun.

Maybe because it's a Friday, or maybe because of something more great, I am loving the Ayat Quran on Tweeter. It's inspiring and it makes me feel all warak and alim :) Tudung on the way? Tunggu and lihat saja lah Tuan Tuan dan Puan Puan.

  1. Allah mengetahui apa yang ada dalam hati mereka lalu menurunkan ketenangan atas mereka (48:18)
  2. Pada hari ini tiap-tiap jiwa diberi balasan dengan apa yang diusahakannya (40:17)
  3. Ia mendapat pahala (dari kebajikan) yang diusahakannya dan ia mendapat siksa (dari kejahatan) yang dikerjakannya (2:286)
  4. Dan penutup doa mereka (penghuni surga) ialah: "Alhamdulilaahi Rabbil 'aalamin" (segala puji bagi Allah, Tuhan semesta alam) (10:10)
  5. Ya Tuhan kami, jadikanlah kami berdua orang yang tunduk patuh kepada Engkau (2:128)
  6. Ya Tuhan kami, berilah kami kebaikan di dunia dan kebaikan di akhirat dan peliharalah kami dari siksa neraka (2:201)
  7. Ya Tuhan kami, ampunilah dosa-dosa kami dan tindakan-tindakan kami yang berlebih-lebihan (3:147)
  8. Barangsiapa yang berpegang teguh kepada (agama) Allah, maka sesungguhnya ia telah diberi petunjuk kepada jalan yang lurus (3:101)
  9. Kami telah menurunkan kepadamu pakaian untuk menutup auratmu dan pakaian indah untuk perhiasan (7:26)
  10. Dialah yang menciptakan berpasang-pasangan lelaki dan wanita (53:45)

Friday, October 8, 2010

The walls we build around us is to keep out the sadness not joy.

Hello Malaysia. * cewahh*

Here I am sitting in this place where once where I go everyday. Although it had a 'face-lift', the sentimental value is still the same to me. This place is where we decided to get married in. This place is 'the' place for me. Though here is a crowded place, I see people come and go, the music is loud, the air smells of fries, I still like it.

What I don't like today is my raging, insensitive hormones. To Hormones. Please be nice. Why la you want me to get all emotional and let me act like my shoe size. Please stop.

Alouette ette ette.

"Promise this: if I die before I wake,
Promise this: take the time to say your grace
On your knees you pray for me
Promise this: be the last to kiss my lips.."

With a great big hug and a kiss from me to you.

A few things that I stumbled upon today in TLS :
  1. The biggest and the best skill to have in life is admitting that you're WRONG. That will get you respect.
  2. The people that love you are the ones you don't notice. The people that hate you are the ones you notice.
  3. Always be yourself and you will find someone who loves you for everything you are, flaws or no flaws.
  4. You should never be jealous of others because the grass is NOT always greener on the other side.
  5. Never get too attached to another human being... because human beings can and will f**k you up!
  6. Anyone can make u cry, only few people can make u happy. So, forget the people that make u cry & hold on to the people that make u happy.
  7. Everyone lies. Have you ever heard someone say they're "just fine"? The truth is, sometimes, they're not just fine.
  8. The best way to avoid disappointment is to not expect anything in the first place.
  9. Talking about doing something is always cooler than actually "doing" it. But action always speak louder than words!
  10. Don't live in the past; don't even think about the future. Live for the moment and make the BEST of it. Every single count.
Okey, that's enough for today. Goodnight :)

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Bersama, Berdua, Kita Bahagia.