Tuesday, November 30, 2010

All women love a man who smells good.

* Gambar adalah hiasan semata mata *

I have a real soft spot in my heart for librarians and people who care about books.

Much Love from Alor Star!

Sunday, November 21, 2010

I Love. I Do.

Selamat Belated Hari Raya AidilAdha!
Much Love from Alor Star :)

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Donch Like.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Straw to my berry.

"And in time I know that we'll both see
That we're all we need."

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Miles away from those i love, Purpose undefined.

Today I am parted from all my favorite people. Let me tell you, it feels like the first time. Macam tak pernah pegi posting pulak! Padahal, I've been to Kuala Pilah, Sg. Petani, Muar, and not forgetting my 5 years in KYS Malacca. I am the only one kat rumah tu yang travels around. *Not including Tuan Adkaa*

"There's nothing here for me on this barren road, There's no one here while the city sleeps, And all the shops are closed."

OMG! Were they singging about AS?!

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Happy happy, joy joy.

As long as we'r together.

"Boys have 1001 ways to lie, but girls have 1002 ways to figured it out."

I totally agree!


Every women deserves a man who looks at her every day like it's the first time he saw her.
- factsaboutboys.

Monday, November 8, 2010


Yours truly.

Thursday, November 4, 2010


To whom it may concern,

Honestly, we have no problem of the communication bridge you are trying to build. Maybe at first hari tu. Now, not anymore. We know what's the present and what's the past. We are all every clear of it. So, if there is something bothering you, you know we are all ears. We have no problems in being the shoulder to cry on. And if the reason of communication was to ask for forgiveness, we already forgave you a long time ago. We don't hold grudges. You know that.

Now, it is becoming routine for you, can you honestly tell us what's the reason being?

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Still alive, but the other one is bleeding.

Maybe I should stop with my randomness. Maybe. Maybe. Maybe I should start with my entries. I should write a title that is berkenaan. Usually my titles are random. Selalunya ikut lagu apa I was listening to at the time of writing.

Okey Tuan Tuan dan Puan Puan,
Hari ini, I feel like telling my side of the story. Actually, I have an inner conflict with myself. I seriously think that I have personality disorder, kerana, one minute I'm like all baik hati and the next minute I am like worse than your mak tiri. Serious. No kidding. I dah lama perasan, but I have never acknowledge it. Mana ada orang gila mengaku gila rite? Something like that laa. Anywhoo, this syndrome of mine has becoming worse and worse. Dia (si syndrome la!) ada like beberapa phase. Ye! I have identified it.

Phase 1
Sangat cool menerima kenyataan/berita. Semasa phase ini, everything that comes out from my mouth semua nya indah indah belaka.
Phase 2
Tiba tiba jadi marah. Maybe baru berfikir kot. Maybe. Usually at this phase lah berlakunya percakaran bahasa kerana its my words against yours. I'll say something that is totally the opposite of the first phase.
Phase 3
Paranoid. Ye. Here, everything pon I will try to kaitkan. Even to the extent of the smallest thing. Masa ini, percakaran hebat akan berlaku. *Phase 2 and 3 boleh tukar tukar. Sometimes Phase 3 dulu then baru Phase 2*
Phase 4
Kembali cool. Otak kembali berfungsi barangkali.


Tu lah dia. It's really irritating actually because sometimes I myself pon tak agree with whatever I am saying. Like the other day, a past of ours dropped by and at first I am like all cool about it. Siap kesian lagi! Then, all of the sudden, jadi paranoid. Marah tak tentu hala. Check sana sini, gali gali dan gali everything. OMG. Macam nak gila okey. And then bila dah bincang, br sedar. Like finally my brain starts to work. Baru can put everthing and sort things out.

Gila kah Aku?

Maybe I am just too emotional over everything. Plus my kuat menyakat Kekasih doesn't help at all. Sometimes susah nak beza whether he is telling the truth or not. So, when this happens I usually ignore him and move on to whatever topic that comes popping. TAPI. My instict adalah teramat kuat. That's a gift **bongkak kan?** Especially to Drummer boi. Ada sometimes that I know my facts but just because it's not evidence based, I had to just keep it to myself. Boooooooooo.

But rata rata, I am what I am. Marah tu sekejap sahaja. I am not the type of person who can be mad for long. And I sangatlah cepat kesian kat orang. So berbalik to the past of ours tu, I really feel that beliau ada masalah sebanarnya and beliau tak tau nak bagitau who. That's why beliau did what beliau did. Tapi, kalau nearly everyday communicate is like fishy la. If beliau ada problem, why don't you just say it? You know we don't judge. Macamlah tak kenal (kami).

Oh. Happy Advanced Deewali to Makonah.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Taking all of my energy.

Question : Can love be upgraded?

The reason for this is because Drummer boi told me just now that he wants to upgrade his love for me. Possible ke? What does he means by upgrade. Before this downgrade ke? *sigh* Kalau nak upgrade the stone on my finger ni, best juga ;) Ever since he said about upgrading, the only thing that's stuck in my head is Beyonce's song "Upgrade U". So much blings in that video. *suka*

Random-Me-Time : I know that I am supposed to be studying now but I can take breaks don't I? ;)

Anyway, I am pretty sure that a lot of people have experience love by now. And let me tell you something, I love being in love (especially when with the right person). What's not to love about being in love? First and foremost, when you're in love, everything seems so bright and colorful. It boosts your energy and it somehow makes your eyes shine a little brighter. Plus, having someone there for you just comforts the hell out of you.

I know, love is very subjective. Maybe McD's Chocolate Milkshake and Swirl Yogurt by CoffeeBean works its magic everytime for me and not for some people. But whatever it is, Love never fails to put a smile on your face. Agree? To those who are not (yet) in love, don't rush it. When it happens it happens.

Owh and by the way, there are some tips that I want to share with those who are not yet in a relationship or for those who are but no quite in love or ... anyone.

1. Always be yourself no matter what, don't pretend. (Changing for the better doesn't fall in this category.) It is always important to be yourself because you can't forever and ever pretend to be someone you are not. One day you will eventually grow tired of pretending and that is when it is too late for anything. Besides, the person you are with is supposed to be in love with the real you. Regardless.

2.Don't pretend to be happy when you are not. If you are not happy, leave. What is the point on trying after the em-th time and you know all you do is hurt yourself. If it ain't working the first few times, it is best to just leave. Keep this in mind, not all relationship is supposed to last. You have to make mistakes in order to grow.

3.It's okey to cry, even for the wrong person. Yup, hard to digest but its true. Crying does not mean your weak, it just means you are fragile :) Do you know that crying releases stress? According to a study, the natural body function to relieve stress, anxiety and other emotional build-ups is CRYING. You should allow yourself to cry then.

4.Love the person you are with. If he can love you for who you are, why can't you? First rule in loving another is to stop complaining and/or comparing. The person is who he is. Learn to love that person although he farts on you hand. Seriously.*okey,farting maybe too intense for some people.It's just an example* No one is perfect, ladies and gents. Not even you! So, let yourself love the person you are with. There's no harm in trying. But, if it's not working, get your ass outta there, PRONTO!

**Alamak! I really have to go. Will continue later, orait? *pinky promise* Spread the love uolls**