Wednesday, December 22, 2010

See no touch.

Recap of the 5 weeks in AS.

* I am just soooo in love with myself*

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

I can see you with me when I'm older.


First and foremost, I just wanna clarify something, I am seriously in love *don't hate* !

On a lighter note, after 5 weeks in AS I still feel the same. I miss home, I miss Drummer boi, I miss the shopping malls. Yup. The shopping malls, and the freshly baked Famous Amos. Although we have tons of fun here, I can't help to wonder what everybody is doing at home.

To be honest, although I whine about being here, 5 weeks flu so quickly. Dalam sedar tak sedar, it has already been 5 weeks. Which means I have like 3 more weeks je here. Yeay? :) Patients here has been great. The nurses are kind and very respectful. Today, while is was doing passive movement to one of my patient, a Chinese uncle who goes by the name Uncle O, he suddenly look at me and said " hang ni baguih no, gheja kat spital. Hang baaaaaik hati no." I nearly cried.

I do what I do because I choose to do it. I just feel that it is my responsibility to help others in need. Tapi, I garang okey. Ada je patient yang I selamba yaya je sound. Bukan apa, I know la your in pain and all but if you bloody do it, nanti its double the job for me and you! So buat je la masa orang suruh! Like one Makcik ni, she had a high AKA (above knee amputation). I know la you seriau nak gerak and do exercise but you just have to, Kalau tak satu body weak and susah for you to get back to your active daily living. But NOOOOOO, you Makcik just have to membebel at my ears and say things as though I have no hati and perasaan. Pffft to you!


By the way, I helped an MO while he was doing a debritement (Surgical excision of dead, devitalized, or contaminated tissue and removal of foreign matter from a wound). Yup! I helped. Haruslaah di tulis di dalam buku log ye. :)

Okey, so far itu sahaja lah highlights bagi minggu ini. Mungkin minggu lain akan lebih bermakna. *cross fingers* Hopes Drummer boi would come and visit :))

Much Love!

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Gelema banyak susah nak bernyawa.

Relationships last long because two brave people made a choice: "To keep it, to fight for it and to work for it!"

Okey, it has been tooooo long since my last entry. Anyway, AS has starting to treat me good. Though the food is still unsatisfying but generally, the adaptation period is finally over. Now, I can sleep whenever I shut my eyes, able to talk to Drummer Boi without tears rolling down my cheeks and chillex a 'lil :) The hospital is great. Though ada laa beberapa Therapist that kinda on poyo in their own way. Standart laa semua itu! Sudah menjadi adat students untuk bertemu dengan therapist therapist yang baru kerja 2 tahun tetapi berlagak mengalahkan U41!

We are all so tak senonoh here. We made one of the therapist here believed that she printed our jadual wrongly but reality is that we all tak mau ikut this one particular poyo therapist. Sian! :) And the best part is that we did it TWICE! She totally bought it and when along with whatever we said. Mdm, incase you're like reading this, I AM SORRY ;)

On a lighter note, I always find myself giggling underneath my mask masa kat wad and its always because of the language/slang. The other day my patient was complaining of "gelema banyak susah pakcik nak bernyawa" and I was like WTH is "gelema" and "bernyawa"? if susah nak bernyawa, mati la pakcik. It turns out that what pakcik was saying is that he has banyak phlegm, susah nak bernafas :) Apa-apa pon, hangpa mesti nak kena tau yang kami dah mula selesa dekat sini.

Cinta hati kata dia nak mai jenguk kami, but God knows bila. The other day he was in Penang but too busy for me. Yesterday pi Ipoh pulak. Next week he's leaving me for an Indon gig. Busy bee.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

All women love a man who smells good.

* Gambar adalah hiasan semata mata *

I have a real soft spot in my heart for librarians and people who care about books.

Much Love from Alor Star!

Sunday, November 21, 2010

I Love. I Do.

Selamat Belated Hari Raya AidilAdha!
Much Love from Alor Star :)

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Donch Like.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Straw to my berry.

"And in time I know that we'll both see
That we're all we need."

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Miles away from those i love, Purpose undefined.

Today I am parted from all my favorite people. Let me tell you, it feels like the first time. Macam tak pernah pegi posting pulak! Padahal, I've been to Kuala Pilah, Sg. Petani, Muar, and not forgetting my 5 years in KYS Malacca. I am the only one kat rumah tu yang travels around. *Not including Tuan Adkaa*

"There's nothing here for me on this barren road, There's no one here while the city sleeps, And all the shops are closed."

OMG! Were they singging about AS?!

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Happy happy, joy joy.

As long as we'r together.

"Boys have 1001 ways to lie, but girls have 1002 ways to figured it out."

I totally agree!


Every women deserves a man who looks at her every day like it's the first time he saw her.
- factsaboutboys.

Monday, November 8, 2010


Yours truly.

Thursday, November 4, 2010


To whom it may concern,

Honestly, we have no problem of the communication bridge you are trying to build. Maybe at first hari tu. Now, not anymore. We know what's the present and what's the past. We are all every clear of it. So, if there is something bothering you, you know we are all ears. We have no problems in being the shoulder to cry on. And if the reason of communication was to ask for forgiveness, we already forgave you a long time ago. We don't hold grudges. You know that.

Now, it is becoming routine for you, can you honestly tell us what's the reason being?

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Still alive, but the other one is bleeding.

Maybe I should stop with my randomness. Maybe. Maybe. Maybe I should start with my entries. I should write a title that is berkenaan. Usually my titles are random. Selalunya ikut lagu apa I was listening to at the time of writing.

Okey Tuan Tuan dan Puan Puan,
Hari ini, I feel like telling my side of the story. Actually, I have an inner conflict with myself. I seriously think that I have personality disorder, kerana, one minute I'm like all baik hati and the next minute I am like worse than your mak tiri. Serious. No kidding. I dah lama perasan, but I have never acknowledge it. Mana ada orang gila mengaku gila rite? Something like that laa. Anywhoo, this syndrome of mine has becoming worse and worse. Dia (si syndrome la!) ada like beberapa phase. Ye! I have identified it.

Phase 1
Sangat cool menerima kenyataan/berita. Semasa phase ini, everything that comes out from my mouth semua nya indah indah belaka.
Phase 2
Tiba tiba jadi marah. Maybe baru berfikir kot. Maybe. Usually at this phase lah berlakunya percakaran bahasa kerana its my words against yours. I'll say something that is totally the opposite of the first phase.
Phase 3
Paranoid. Ye. Here, everything pon I will try to kaitkan. Even to the extent of the smallest thing. Masa ini, percakaran hebat akan berlaku. *Phase 2 and 3 boleh tukar tukar. Sometimes Phase 3 dulu then baru Phase 2*
Phase 4
Kembali cool. Otak kembali berfungsi barangkali.


Tu lah dia. It's really irritating actually because sometimes I myself pon tak agree with whatever I am saying. Like the other day, a past of ours dropped by and at first I am like all cool about it. Siap kesian lagi! Then, all of the sudden, jadi paranoid. Marah tak tentu hala. Check sana sini, gali gali dan gali everything. OMG. Macam nak gila okey. And then bila dah bincang, br sedar. Like finally my brain starts to work. Baru can put everthing and sort things out.

Gila kah Aku?

Maybe I am just too emotional over everything. Plus my kuat menyakat Kekasih doesn't help at all. Sometimes susah nak beza whether he is telling the truth or not. So, when this happens I usually ignore him and move on to whatever topic that comes popping. TAPI. My instict adalah teramat kuat. That's a gift **bongkak kan?** Especially to Drummer boi. Ada sometimes that I know my facts but just because it's not evidence based, I had to just keep it to myself. Boooooooooo.

But rata rata, I am what I am. Marah tu sekejap sahaja. I am not the type of person who can be mad for long. And I sangatlah cepat kesian kat orang. So berbalik to the past of ours tu, I really feel that beliau ada masalah sebanarnya and beliau tak tau nak bagitau who. That's why beliau did what beliau did. Tapi, kalau nearly everyday communicate is like fishy la. If beliau ada problem, why don't you just say it? You know we don't judge. Macamlah tak kenal (kami).

Oh. Happy Advanced Deewali to Makonah.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Taking all of my energy.

Question : Can love be upgraded?

The reason for this is because Drummer boi told me just now that he wants to upgrade his love for me. Possible ke? What does he means by upgrade. Before this downgrade ke? *sigh* Kalau nak upgrade the stone on my finger ni, best juga ;) Ever since he said about upgrading, the only thing that's stuck in my head is Beyonce's song "Upgrade U". So much blings in that video. *suka*

Random-Me-Time : I know that I am supposed to be studying now but I can take breaks don't I? ;)

Anyway, I am pretty sure that a lot of people have experience love by now. And let me tell you something, I love being in love (especially when with the right person). What's not to love about being in love? First and foremost, when you're in love, everything seems so bright and colorful. It boosts your energy and it somehow makes your eyes shine a little brighter. Plus, having someone there for you just comforts the hell out of you.

I know, love is very subjective. Maybe McD's Chocolate Milkshake and Swirl Yogurt by CoffeeBean works its magic everytime for me and not for some people. But whatever it is, Love never fails to put a smile on your face. Agree? To those who are not (yet) in love, don't rush it. When it happens it happens.

Owh and by the way, there are some tips that I want to share with those who are not yet in a relationship or for those who are but no quite in love or ... anyone.

1. Always be yourself no matter what, don't pretend. (Changing for the better doesn't fall in this category.) It is always important to be yourself because you can't forever and ever pretend to be someone you are not. One day you will eventually grow tired of pretending and that is when it is too late for anything. Besides, the person you are with is supposed to be in love with the real you. Regardless.

2.Don't pretend to be happy when you are not. If you are not happy, leave. What is the point on trying after the em-th time and you know all you do is hurt yourself. If it ain't working the first few times, it is best to just leave. Keep this in mind, not all relationship is supposed to last. You have to make mistakes in order to grow.

3.It's okey to cry, even for the wrong person. Yup, hard to digest but its true. Crying does not mean your weak, it just means you are fragile :) Do you know that crying releases stress? According to a study, the natural body function to relieve stress, anxiety and other emotional build-ups is CRYING. You should allow yourself to cry then.

4.Love the person you are with. If he can love you for who you are, why can't you? First rule in loving another is to stop complaining and/or comparing. The person is who he is. Learn to love that person although he farts on you hand. Seriously.*okey,farting maybe too intense for some people.It's just an example* No one is perfect, ladies and gents. Not even you! So, let yourself love the person you are with. There's no harm in trying. But, if it's not working, get your ass outta there, PRONTO!

**Alamak! I really have to go. Will continue later, orait? *pinky promise* Spread the love uolls**

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

So now it's so clear, I need you here always.

I think I must stop bitching on somebody. Or better, I should just stop bitching, full stop. Maybe I was jealous back then when she randomly do stuff to him but honestly, not anymore. Maybe she's just old news to me. Maybe. Besides, we're tight now. Chirpier than ever :)

Anyway, here's are some updates in my week and what's going to happen in the near future. As you guys know, it's exam week and no matter how much I hate it, I must face it. The first paper down, only 5 more to go. ONLY 5 la sangat! Kepala seriously macam dah nak pecah! Pathophysiology isn't easy I tell you. And what's worse is that this semester my lecturer decided to change her style of questions and it sucked. I hope I pass. Distinction? Don't think so. Praying hard that I'll pass.

My exam is going to end on the 10th and on the 13th I'm going to Alor Star for my attachment. Pfft. Now I officially have no time for myself. It has been ages since my last Pedi&Meni. I just did my brows yesterday and all these I used to do like every fortnight. I.Need.Time.For.Myself.Thank.You.

I don't know how my brows are going to survive when I am in Alor Star. Ada threading tempat ke there?? I sure hope so. Alor Star... Ohhh Alor Star. Crossing all fingers and toes that I would actually survive there. It's actually not a big of a deal that I'm going away but this time I feel a little different. I grew up in a boarding school. Although some people don't recognise KYS (Kolej Yayasan Saad, Malacca) as a bording school but I sure think it is. Any school that has a dormitory is considered a boarding school, plus I have to eat,sleep,pray,bath, and poop there. Life was great there. On certain days I do missed it sooooo much. I love the fact that my school allows us all to be the person we want to be. And the teachers are great. If it weren't all good, I comfirm tak duduk there like for the whole 5 years of my secondary education!

Anyway, I know that I will eventually survive in Alor Star and I really hope the other half of me would too! The other day while we were discussing about me going away, he said that he might not be here while I am away. He's going out of the country for his work stuff. Boooo. Like nak ikuuuut him! I am currently have no mood for books. The drive has left me after I dengan excellent-nye menggoreng my paper Patho yesterday. *depress*

My next paper is on the 28th, and it's another killer paper. Dah la the books are like menggunung tebal each. I repeat EACH. Nasib I have only two books. Still. Tebal. Means I have like forever to cover. Feel like going to the exam hall tomorrow and over night there. (Laugh!That's me making a lame, pathetic joke.) I am not supposed to be online during my exam week, but when I fail to concentrate, there's nothing better beside Drummer Boi and my amusingly weird little sister that could cheer me up but going online. I have to, not that I really really and couldn't live without it.

Okey, maybe this is enough for today. Have to go back to the 'fun' world of Clinical Condition books. I am so going to miss going online. *hugs&kisses*

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

'Cause when a heart breaks, no, it wont break even.

"They say bad things happen for a reason
But no wise words gonna stop the bleeding..."

Put Your Finger In His Face And Tell Him.


Monday, October 11, 2010

I wait on you forever, any day, hand and foot.

*Okey, the truth is I can't really sleep nowadays. I've tried so many things to get me to sleep but none has worked. Note: I even tried studying, which what usually makes me sleep instantly but it didn't work either. I don't know what has gotten into me.

Anywhoooo, life is treating me quite bad lately. All the problems in the world hit me like at the same time. Things that I never thought would happen, problems I never imagine would arise, atleast not to me. *sigh. The only thing that has been staying constant in my life without drama is Drummer Boi, thanked God for that. Atleast I have something I can rely on.

Random topic number 1:

Justin Bieber is HOT!! U smile,I smile baby!! :) I know its kinda childish to be in love with the new 'Ken' but now is the era of cougar-ship, rite? So there's no harm to it. His hair especially, silky smooth I tell you. And those eyes. *Drool. The moment when the doctor confirms that Im preggers with a boy, Justin ohhh Bieber, you know I'll be your #1 fan!! Whenever it will be laa kan.

Random topic number 2:

Banana leaf makes you sleepy and not forgetting, FAT. We had banana leaf for tea today. Yup. TEA. We olls not morning people oh-key (atleast not me). The moment I got home, all I can think and do is sleep. OMG! I think I have to go see a doctor and check my cholesterol level. Owh, did I mention about the after-smell of curry on the hands. Like hell ya! Up until now my hand is smelling of curry still (I swear by it because I am smelling my hand as I type!) and I ate like 10 hours ago!

Random topic number 3:

I think McD is the place for me. Humm, mcm nak McD pulak pagi pagi ni. Do they deliver at 4am?


Saturday, October 9, 2010

Sepohon kayu daun rimpun.

Maybe because it's a Friday, or maybe because of something more great, I am loving the Ayat Quran on Tweeter. It's inspiring and it makes me feel all warak and alim :) Tudung on the way? Tunggu and lihat saja lah Tuan Tuan dan Puan Puan.

  1. Allah mengetahui apa yang ada dalam hati mereka lalu menurunkan ketenangan atas mereka (48:18)
  2. Pada hari ini tiap-tiap jiwa diberi balasan dengan apa yang diusahakannya (40:17)
  3. Ia mendapat pahala (dari kebajikan) yang diusahakannya dan ia mendapat siksa (dari kejahatan) yang dikerjakannya (2:286)
  4. Dan penutup doa mereka (penghuni surga) ialah: "Alhamdulilaahi Rabbil 'aalamin" (segala puji bagi Allah, Tuhan semesta alam) (10:10)
  5. Ya Tuhan kami, jadikanlah kami berdua orang yang tunduk patuh kepada Engkau (2:128)
  6. Ya Tuhan kami, berilah kami kebaikan di dunia dan kebaikan di akhirat dan peliharalah kami dari siksa neraka (2:201)
  7. Ya Tuhan kami, ampunilah dosa-dosa kami dan tindakan-tindakan kami yang berlebih-lebihan (3:147)
  8. Barangsiapa yang berpegang teguh kepada (agama) Allah, maka sesungguhnya ia telah diberi petunjuk kepada jalan yang lurus (3:101)
  9. Kami telah menurunkan kepadamu pakaian untuk menutup auratmu dan pakaian indah untuk perhiasan (7:26)
  10. Dialah yang menciptakan berpasang-pasangan lelaki dan wanita (53:45)

Friday, October 8, 2010

The walls we build around us is to keep out the sadness not joy.

Hello Malaysia. * cewahh*

Here I am sitting in this place where once where I go everyday. Although it had a 'face-lift', the sentimental value is still the same to me. This place is where we decided to get married in. This place is 'the' place for me. Though here is a crowded place, I see people come and go, the music is loud, the air smells of fries, I still like it.

What I don't like today is my raging, insensitive hormones. To Hormones. Please be nice. Why la you want me to get all emotional and let me act like my shoe size. Please stop.

Alouette ette ette.

"Promise this: if I die before I wake,
Promise this: take the time to say your grace
On your knees you pray for me
Promise this: be the last to kiss my lips.."

With a great big hug and a kiss from me to you.

A few things that I stumbled upon today in TLS :
  1. The biggest and the best skill to have in life is admitting that you're WRONG. That will get you respect.
  2. The people that love you are the ones you don't notice. The people that hate you are the ones you notice.
  3. Always be yourself and you will find someone who loves you for everything you are, flaws or no flaws.
  4. You should never be jealous of others because the grass is NOT always greener on the other side.
  5. Never get too attached to another human being... because human beings can and will f**k you up!
  6. Anyone can make u cry, only few people can make u happy. So, forget the people that make u cry & hold on to the people that make u happy.
  7. Everyone lies. Have you ever heard someone say they're "just fine"? The truth is, sometimes, they're not just fine.
  8. The best way to avoid disappointment is to not expect anything in the first place.
  9. Talking about doing something is always cooler than actually "doing" it. But action always speak louder than words!
  10. Don't live in the past; don't even think about the future. Live for the moment and make the BEST of it. Every single count.
Okey, that's enough for today. Goodnight :)

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Bersama, Berdua, Kita Bahagia.


Friday, September 24, 2010

Trying to get my Usher on but I can't let it burn.


It has been quite sometime since my last entry. Alot has been going on and happened since then. What had not had happened is we are not yet a billionaire.

Err. Random. I. Know.

Anywhoo, since the Hari Raya, I am nothing but happy. This year, I am super blesses with everything. The duit Raya is goooooood, the kuih Raya is marvelous *credits to my baby sister* and family is extended. Yes, now I am a proud member of DMHA (that's what HB5 calls it!) Ooooo, yes. Life IS good. Though I had to work like on the third day of Raya, but that was what I chose to do and never will complaint. To me personally, I find that helping people is something I was born to do. I feel extremely good knowing that my patients are getting better and returning to their norm. Enough about my work, lets talk about Raya!

On first Raya.
This year is actually the first Raya that we went to my dad's side first. Enjoyed Nenek's super delicious lontong and then went to Tokmak's. Tokmak made sambal ikan bilis which no words can describe how good it tasted (I even tapau-ed home!) and gave me duit Raya though she said she wasn't going to! Lucky me :) Later in the evening went to Maklong's and ate some more. That night, my mom's side came beraya our house. Mama cooked laksa and nasi mandi and i ate, ate, ate and ate. :)

The salam salam this year went well I must say. It felt so natural, the words came out gracefully *lol and I truly felt each word I said. It kinda felt like this year is going to my last. Maybe?

**This year is also the first year my grandfather is no longer with us. We and the Merus pegi kubur. I felt terrible and wished that he had not passed on. I know I didn't spent like a lot of time with him, but I had always admired him. For the man that he is, for the things he had done. Al-Fatihah.

On second raya.
Its a ritual for my mom's side to go pay a visit at my late Tok Ghulam's kubur. Though I personally never met him (he died before I was born) I always feel like I know him. Through the stories my mom told and to the picture I see, I know that he was once a good man. A strict, disciplined man.

Went to Lake Garden for some swan ride with little cousins. It was fun! But the not so fun part was when my BIL lost his BB. We thought of going to Penang but unfortunately I was oncall the next day, so we came home in the evening and got safely home before Maghrib.

Basically, that was my Hari Raya. By third day, I felt like Raya was over and ready to get back to my daily routines. FUN kan? :)

To everyone who knows me, I don't want to miss the opportunity to say Selamat Hari Raya, Maaf Zahir & Batin!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Hold on to your words because talk is cheap.

Tonight is the night, when Drummer boi is going back to his kampung halaman. And me, I'm working all hari raya. Best kan. Anywayyy, I am currently sedang mencuri tulang with my Physio aid listening to raya songs. This is the second year that during hari raya, I am stuck saving people. Its a nobel job (trying to sedapkan hati) and should not complain. It is my choice anyway. I chose to work. Duuring the festive seasons is when I can make (alot of) extra money. Okey, boss panggil pula, Selamat Hari Raya!
Things I like today :

1. Ma man! :)

2. The fact that I have less that 3 days 'till Syawal.

3. Yogurt swirl by Coffee Bean *Classic tart of-course!

4. "Do not resist pain, instead let go, accept & choose the thought that brings you peace. This is the path of magic." (I picked it up somewhere *lol)

5. Have I mentioned, Mohd Hazreq Mohd Husin?


Monday, September 6, 2010

Kepada saudara serta saudari. Setahun, hanya sekali merayakan hari yang mulia ini.

Dear *Princess.

First and foremost, I would like to wish you Selamat hari raya. I hope this raya will bring you joy, happiness and inner peace. The reason I kind of dedicating this entry to you (*Princess) is because of the pleasant surprise you left Drummer Boi in his inbox. It came as a shock to us, considering I never thought that someone actually read this blog. Thank you for reading anyway. Appreciate it. But what we are curious about is who you really are. I lied. We are also curious why you left no identity and a smiley face at the bottom of the email.

My question(s) to you, do you have a problem with what I wrote? Or you generally have a problem with me? And if you do, why didn't you just tell me straight? I do have my own email you know. Or better, just leave a comment here. Why didn't you think of that? You could have save yourself some trouble.

Who are you, *Princess?

The thing that both Dboi and I are trying to figure out is the motive behind your email. Sangat pelik. From the way you address him, to the attachments (yaaa, you do realize that you attached it 3 times, the same thing) and the smiley face. Happy smiley face or sarcastic smiley? Whatever it is, keep reading and I hope in the future you have enough guts to leave your comment here.

*Princess = Bukan nama sebenar.

***You know who you are, *Princess. Makonah pon Makonah la.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

These three words, they could change our lives forever.


I'm not a big fan of yours. I think you are not mine either. But let me tell you something, whatever you did is so not cool. I really thought you were happy with your life, posting pictures of joy and laughter with your new other-half. I guess your were just trying to fool people,eh?

Whatever it is, I really want you to know that I'm not liking your action(s). Mailing someone that you already bitch about (in your blog) is so WTF. Why would you want to reminisce your past sedangkan you already kutuk that person kawkaw? You made it public that you were hurt by what happened but reality, you mailed and tried to go down memory lane with that person.

News flash, Makonah. That person is no longer yours and never will be again. That person has already moved on the minute you said that you were seeing someone else, and that person was really hurt by you too. So, never think that if you are fooling people with your so-called-happiness, that person is faking too. That person is genuinely happy now.


I really thought you are far mature than this. You know what really tics me off? The fact that you lied. You fooled everyone by letting them think that you are so over the past. Why can't you just let go. Be happy with the person you are with now, be happy with your life. Why can't you just do that? Lagipon, you are already doing half of the job, why can't you just let go and truly be happy? Two words for you, MOVE ON.

One thing I really don't understand is, how could you sleep at night. You must be a good actor. Mentally, I consider you are cheating your new other half mentally and emotionally. I pity your new other-half. You and your action(s) disgust me. Really.

Mailing in private, forwarding things that had happened 3 years ago (literally) is not what people call moved on. Are you unhappy with your new life? I thought this is what you wanted? I thought you were in a way glad that it happened? So why the hell are you doing this? You must have knock your head somewhere hard to actually forget what happened. Need me to remind you? Do you need my help to react all the previous scenes?

I know I am an outsider in this, but you have to understand where all these come from. If you happen to read this and terasa, go on. Go on and terasa because it is about you, Makonah Honggang.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Friday, August 13, 2010

Now I've got dreams of my own.

Sometimes the heart sees what is invisible to the eye .

I now officially meng-label-kan myself as jiwang karat. Only to notice that my entry lately ni is purely dedicated to Drummer boi. The reason is because my play list in my lappy is all lovy dovy songs. Plus, Drummer boi makes me happy. And I on the contrary, write when Im happy not sad.

Today is our 'ulang-bulan' bak kata Drummer boi. How time flies when you're having fun. Pejam celik dah pon setengah tahun, soon it will be a year, and for all I know its already going to the second year. Can't wait to finish my studies and proceed to concentrating on my life + future. I'm super glad that I've found my future. I know no one is perfect but his imperfections make him puuurrrfect to me.

What's weird is, I'm super confident with this one. I don't doubt him. ( main main doubt ade laa) I know that he will never hurt me and do shitty things behind me. I just know it. Weird kan. How can one trust another only after a few months together. People tell me that never give 100% in a relationship. I'm putting 200% in this one!

It's not his words that make me trust him, fall deeper that I have ever been. It's HIM. The way he cares, the way he holds me, cair beb! Hahahaha. Minah remp disitu seketika!

Okey, enough about my love life. How 'bout yours? Is yours going as smooth as you expects it to be? Are you happy with whatever you're having + feeling? If you are, we're in the same boat!

"Love is that condition in which the happiness of another person is essential to your own."

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Maybe that's what happens when a tornado meets a volcano.

''When I see your face
There's not a thing that I would change
Cause you're amazing
Just the way you are
And when you smile,
The whole world stops and stares for awhile
Cause you're amazing
Just the way you are''
- Bruno Mars

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Don't do it if you can't keep it up.


Seeing this photo makes me think of the future, OUR future. Comel gak you when you were little. Lol!

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Change is never easy. You fight to hold on.

Mostly people change for love because u can't say u truly love somebody when u're not willing to do everything u can to keep them in ur life.


Sometimes, the things that we've decided to avoid and get rid off are those things that are happening again and again.


Tuesday, August 3, 2010

August 8th.

Friday, July 30, 2010

Sleeping with the Enemy.

Why am I so lazy today? All I want to do today is sleep in and do nothing. I first woke up today at 945 am thanx to Drummer boi. Nothing beats waking up to his voice * grinnn. Anywhoo, we talked about last night ( the I-don't-know-what-happened-to-us, last night ) and I decided to continued on with my journey to the past. ( isn't that a title to some Chinese soap opera that I used to watch? ) The next time I woke up was at 1230 pm, also 'courtesy' of Drummer boi. I am beyond lazy today. I feel like its Sunday, I just want to stay in and tak mau mandi. Can meh?

Has anyone heard the song 'When I first saw you' from the Dreamgirls ost? Drummer boi asked me to listen to that song. He said thats how he feels. Tapi kan, the first time I saw him was dekat uptown Shah Alam. He wasn't even paying attention to me pon! To his defense,he said the first time he 'saw me' was later then masa kat office kaklong. Honestly, I did too. Being the type of person who talks to herself whenever she has the time to ( I kinda berangan about being about him too.

Our relationship is sorta open in alot of ways. We are open to discussions even when it is involving our past. For me, Drummer boi is someone I could trust, someone who I can tell my heart to, regardless what and someone who I can really open up to whether it's the most silliest thing to how come my menses's color is weird. Love him for being all that!

**Mind my mushiness. Currently listening to 'When I first saw you.'**

Weirdkan, even before I was him, I was already eying for him. Somehow, I kinda dah rasa that sooner or later I'll eventually end up with him. And what's even weirder, my last 'friend' also sensed it. Maybe because I constantly talking about Drummer boi to him whenevr I have new 'info' about Drummer boi. He once said and I quote " I rasa deep down inside, you macam interested with this guy. Besides, korang nampak macam padan je." HAH! Thank you la sebab mulut you masin, Sameon.

***Pengantin adalah hiasan semata mata.

I won't tell anyone how your voice is my favourite sound.

I won't fall out of love
I'll fall into you.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Love is passion, obsession, someone you can't live without.

Love has good and bad aspects to it.
But its the greatest thing we have, dont let the negative get in the way of the positive.

Love, its a word we often use. Either to describe the enthusiastic feeling of extreme likeness or simply the pure feeling towards something or somebody. Make love on the other hand, *blushing* is something I shouldn't describe here.

In today's case, LOVE is Drummer boi. With the rate of everything, I feel like falling out of love with him is near to impossible. The relationship is just perfectly normal. Which translates into perfectly perfect. I know, it has just been 6 months but what we have is more then a 6 year old relationship has. I am just so in love. Like what I told my sister and the hubster, " he's simply a breath of fresh air."

Funny how sometimes being in the arms of someone you love can make you forget the whole world, how by just being there in his arms makes you feel like the luckiest, most loved and so in love,kan. That's how I feel for Drummer boi. I just love the way he makes me feel. The way he holds my hand tight and makes me feel so safe and belong. The way he makes me fall even more in love with him by just looking into my eyes. How his small gestures give a great impact to me.

To you,
Say it's true, there's nothing like me and you
Not alone, tell me you feel it too
And I would runaway
I would runaway
I would runaway with you
Cause I have fallen in love
With you, no never have
I'm never gonna stop falling in love, with you.
-The Corrs